Tokenomics Breakdown

The following is a breakdown of OCADA's revised tokenomics that ensure sustainability and longevity of the project and its community.

Bird Holders: 40%

This allocation includes all current holders of the BIRD token on Ethereum at the time of migration. Our token bridge will be live soon, allowing seamless migration of your tokens from BIRD to OCADA. (For information on the token redenomination, please refer to the FAQ section in our Telegram.)

Team: 20%

Team tokens are reserved for core team members, including founders, the development team, marketing team, business development team, and community management. We believe our team is the heartbeat of OCADA and deserves an equity stake in the company.

Development and Ecosystem: 10%

At OCADA, we believe growth is crucial for the sustainability of the project. This allocation is reserved specifically for development growth and the general growth of the OCADA ecosystem. These tokens are reserved for Developer Grants (we encourage all developers to build using our AI agent technology, further expanding the network), Bug Bounties, Project Integration, and more.

Community Initiatives: 10%

In Web3, community is everything. That’s why we reserved 10% of the supply for our community. This includes airdrops, incentives for Dapp usage, and general allocations for various community-run initiatives.

Strategic Partnerships: 10%

We believe Web3 is better when we all work towards a common goal and the greater good of the industry. We have reserved 10% of the supply for future partnerships with various companies, investors, and advisors that bring specific value adds to OCADA.

Liquidity: 10%

This allocation refers to starting liquidity when the token is migrated to Solana and future liquidity reserved for CEX listings.

Last updated